

12w38a Snapshot! 
What's New:
*Nether loads faster when going through a portal.
*In Creative Mode, teleportation is instantaneous.
*Updated and added new sounds by C418.
*Added a sound for climbing up stairs
*New block-placing sounds: Wood, Stone, Plants, Sand, Gravel, although unintended by C418.
*New footstep sounds: Sand, Gravel, Soulsand, Grass Block, and Stone.
*New mob sounds: Cow, Pigs, Enderman, Zombie, and Skeleton.
*New tool sounds: Flint and Steel, Shears (when shearing sheep).
*Lava and Flowing Water now have constant noise.
*Added level up sound, but will be changing later for a shorter one.
*Added a passive mob: Bat.
*Added hostile mob: Witch.
*Command block target parameters have been upgraded.
*Beacon artwork was changed.
*The beam of light was changed.
*Item Frames no longer despawn when 20 blocks away.
*Wood blocks are now rotated differently.  Instead of using the player's position, it will rotate based on the face it is upon, like a lever (this is mainly a test).
*Silverfish Source Blocks have a chance of spawning in caves.
